Don’t worry, it’s not one of those notes to the younger self that warns you about how scary the world is or that you should never talk to strangers. Because yes, the world can be scary but so can movies and dreams and hearing the truth and falling in love. And to be honest, some of my most treasured friendships and conversations started from being estranged.
Aren’t we all strangers when we begin?
I’d rather you read this when you need a reminder of something good. People don’t talk about it enough, and the daily news can truly be one of the scariest places on earth. When I say good, I mean the things that make you feel safe. And comfortable. And supported. It’s different for everyone, but I found it when I was given my first diary for Christmas and filled all the pages before new years eve. Perhaps you will find it in music. Or food. Or belly dancing. Or fishing. Whatever it is that makes you, feel like you, is the good stuff. As long as you have it, you’ll always have a place to come back to.
I hope you to try and see flickers of gold even when it hurts to squint your eyes, because if you can do this, you are already elevating yourself to bigger and better things. My request for this brightness means I want you to look for it in people, foreign places, art, words ( even the cruel ones that make you cry ) and especially, in the things that make you feel sad or uncomfortable. Because if you can master finding the light, and I have a feeling you will, you’ll figure out your super power much faster than some. It can be hard to find, but trust me, it’s something this world needs more of.
Empathy. It is your power. Use it. It feels weird because it makes you think and feel too much about everyone else, sometimes even before yourself. But I can guarantee, once you learn how to find the balance, you can try and understand the world a lot more than those who judge too soon and don’t believe in silver linings. These people are everywhere. And it usually means they have been hurt, their vision has been blurred or maybe nobody has been kind to them in a long time. It makes sense doesn’t it? That hurt people, only know how to hurt people. You may think about this if you ever want to learn about politicians, or find yourself watching a documentary on animal cruelty.
Because really, our decisions are sort of the only things we can try and master, most other things can be harder to control. Like the weather. And what comes out of other peoples mouths. And how much it hurts to be lied to. So if you try your best to make your choices fair and smart, I think you’ll be ok. Moments and conversations and difficult eye contact always arise, where you have to dig deeper into the softer parts of yourself. It is hard. And it’s not always possible. But, it’s worth trying and will make you feel so good if you can conquer it.
We will all be ok if we can try a little harder to make better choices. Use better words. See people in a better light. And without sounding like Oprah, be our better selves. Oh, and if anyone ever tells you that you look like your mother….just smile and say thanks. It could turn out to be a pretty cool thing one day.
Love that piece of writing ✍️
And love that photo !! I remember it like it was yesterday ❤️